Over the past week, the potato empire has welcomed three new monarchs: TheAllSeeingBird, EntityM, and BasilGaming. The countries that have joined the empire, in the order of their accession, are Westforge, Bird Land, and Quartzonia. The news of these new monarchs has generated significant attention and debate, with some people expressing concern about the concentration of power in potato.
Clamlum has been particularly critical of the developments, pointing out that one-third of the empire's residents are now monarchs. This has led to concerns about the potential for a power imbalance and questions about the democratic legitimacy of the empire's governance structure.
Currently, there are six potato monarchs in total, with each of them owning 16% of the empire. While this distribution of power has allowed for more independence for the countries in the empire many say that it is leading to a overly spread out power system.
As the potato empire continues to evolve and expand, it remains to be seen how these new developments will play out and what kind of impact they will have on the empire and its residents.